5 Best Language Learning Software

Last Updated on October 17, 2023 by Rick Darlinton

Learning a language is often regarded as an arduous task, especially if one intends to read, write and speak the new language fluently. With the best language learning software, it gets easier, less boring, and better organized – no need to hassle a living translator.

Language learning applications provide a more convenient way to become fluent in a language. However, different language learning software bring a variety of offers to the table. For instance, some apps are great for those learning a language to teach others, while there are those great for learning for conversational purposes. Your choice of a language learning program is largely dependent on what you hope to achieve by learning the language.

This piece looks at the best language learning software at the moment. Let’s get to it!

5 Best Language Learning Software

Rosetta Stone

We can’t talk about the best language learning programs without mentioning Rosetta Stone; it’s like the Hermes of language learning. The app has a rich history behind it – Rosetta Stone has been in operation since 1993 though the service has evolved with time.

Rosetta Stone

Rosetta Stone uses a tiered language learning system where the pace of the user plays a decisive role. This buds well for different users with varying speeds of learning a new language. Thanks to the different tempo, you can choose between blazing through the course material or settling for a slow and steady approach.

On Rosetta Stone, there are different categories of language learning, which makes for easier assimilation. The process starts with the basics and then ascends to nuances of the language. Yet, it’s not boring thanks to the different activities bothering on language learning. Rosetta Stone deploys the more interactive tools of virtual teaching like pictures and sound to create an engaging language learning experience.

Language speaking, an important of the learning process, is given adequate attention in Rosetta Stone. Users get grounded in speaking fluently in a new language through the app’s speech recognition technology. It’s great that the tool can be personalized based on a user’s preferences.

The use of Rosetta Stone comes at a premium. Pricing depends on the duration of learning, but it’s still affordable when matched with the service rendered. The language learning app supports 25 languages, so you’re likely to find what you’re looking for in the software.


The best things in life are sometimes free, and that’s something Duolingo promises – language learning free, forever. On Duolingo, you get the chance to learn to speak, write, listen and read in the language of your choice.


This best language learning software requires users to confirm their language learning goal based on minutes dedicated to the process per day. You get to choose between ‘casual’ to ‘insane’ depending on how many minutes you’re willing to devote to learning the language.

Learning a language on Duolingo is on a level-by-level basis. If you have zero knowledge about a language, starting at the beginner level is highly commended. The beginner level captures the basics such as word pronunciation. Beyond the beginner phase, there are the intermediate and advanced levels where things get even more interesting.

Like any top language learning software, Duolingo uses animations and sound in getting users to become acquainted with a language. The interactive nature of the course makes this free language learning software invaluable.

For a free language learning software, Duolingo covers an impressive catalog of languages, some of which you won’t find in many paid apps. The catch with this language learning tool is that you get served ads when your hearts run out (not literally, of course). Hearts run out when mistakes are made, so if you can progress through the levels without too many errors, then no ads. However, that’s a big deal for a beginner trying to learn a new language. Duolingo Pro, a paid version, supports unlimited mistakes, but it’s the same course.

The Duolingo software is available on mobile. You can also access the platform’s services through its web application.


Another best language learning software that isn’t getting the attention it deserves is iTalki. This one relies on the average language teachers to provide language lessons to users.

On iTalki, lessons are personalized based on a user’s situation and preferences. You can liaise with teachers for lessons that are specifically what you need – no guesswork or one size fits all arrangement. Also, users get to pick the time most convenient for them.


iTalki is available on multiple platforms including mobile and web, so users can keep up with lessons no matter their situation. Since teachers on iTalki are drawn from all over the globe, more languages are covered on the software than elsewhere.

Charges on iTalki are done on a per lesson basis. You don’t have to pay for an entire month if you won’t be taking lessons. The result is zero chance of wastage as you’d pay only for what you consume.

If you want the teacher-student experience, then iTalki is the language learning software to beat. Organizing lessons in piecemeals by actual teachers is the application’s strong suit.


This software ranks high among language learning tools thanks to its interactive lessons. Fluenz caters to a user’s language learning needs through a class-like course consisting of different levels.

Using Fluenz, you can follow pronunciations, word usage, and all the intricacies of language learning. The app thrives in offering language lessons in crisp clear videos, so tracking nuances of a language isn’t left to the imagination.


Fluenz lessons are categorized into levels. Initial levels work you through the basics of the language while the later ones build on progress made. The level concept isn’t exactly new, but Fluenz lets users start at whatever level they think is adequate.

To ensure users get fluent in the specific language, native speakers are brought as instructors. It’s a good boost for anyone looking to stay on top of the language’s nuances.

Perhaps the undoings of Fluenz are the limited languages available and the rigidity of its content. Compared to other best language learning programs, Fluenz hasn’t evolved and the languages covered are quite a few – Spanish, German and a few other languages are available.

Pricing is high, but its one-time payment arrangement can be cost-saving, unlike the subscription-based packages that have populated most language learning software.


If you’re learning a new language sorely for verbal communication, it doesn’t get better than Pimsleur. While the competition focuses on making you a jack of all – writing, reading, listening, and speaking – Pimsleur prioritizes listening and speaking. It’s certainly great for those interested in conversing in a new language. This is largely due to its mostly audio content.


Pimsleur has over 50 languages with instructions in a specific language like English. The top language software pays attention to dialects as well, so users can be specific in their language learning needs.

The language learning program can be accessed through a mobile app, web application, mp3 files, CDs, and more. Pimsleur hopes to avail users with different options, so it’s easy to pick a solution that’s compatible with their situation.

Pimsleur might be playing catch-up in its interactive exercises, but it’s better late than never. The latest addition to the software ensures users can test their language learning prowess through exercises that are engaging and efficient.

Pricing is still subscription-based though the language learning CDs are sold as a one-time payment. Subscriptions can be cost-effective if you’re focused on learning the language in the shortest possible time.

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